International Symposium 2016

Friday 5 August 2016

Commemorating the 20th anniversary of ITLOS – and the 10th consecutive session of the IFLOS Summer Academy

On Friday 5 August 2016 a public event within the IFLOS Summer Academy 2016 took pace in the courtroom of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), commemorating the 20th anniversary of ITLOS and the 10th consecutive session of the IFLOS Summer Academy.

Lectures were delivered by

  • H.E. Prof. Vladimir Golitsyn, President, ITLOS
    "The Tribunal Overview and Recent Cases"
  • Frederick Kenney, Director, IMO Legal Affairs and External Relations Division
    "International Maritime Organisation Cooperation wit the Tribunal and Current Issues"
  • Charlotte Salpin, Legal Officer and Deputy Secretary, DOALOS
    "UN Division of Ocean Affairs and Law of the Sea Cooperation wit the Tribunal and Current Issues"
  • Tafsir M. Ndiaye, Judge, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
    "UNCLOS at 34 New Challenges and Prospects"
  • Prof. Alexander Proelss, University of Trier
    "The Contribution of the ITLOS to the Protection and Conservation of the Marine Enviroment"
  • Prof. Nele Matz-Lück, Director, Walter-Schücking-Institut for International Law, University of Kiel
    "New Uses of the Ocean Challenges for the Law of the Sea and the Role of the Tribunal"

Following these lectures, a panel with

  • Jo König (Director Summer Academy, IFLOS)
    and Summer Academy Alumni
  • Charlotte Salpin (France, Legal Officer and Deputy Secretary, DOALOS - Class of 2007)
  • Ranjeet SangleIndia, Advocate, Bombay High Court and Special Public Prosecutor for the Home Department, Government of Maharashtra - Class of 2008)
  • Maria Carolina Romero Lares (Venezuela, Associate Professor, World Maritime University, Malmø - Class of 2009)
  • Clement Yow Mulalap (Federated States of Micronesia, Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission of the Federated States of Micronesia to the UN - Class of 2014) discussed, inter alia, the role of the Alumni Network in promoting awareness of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea.

For more Details please have a look at the brochure and the available materials  below.